In the process of remodeling my home, I rented a storage unit. Long story short, some asshat decided to break into my unit and stole a lot of my models. Here’s the thing, I could understand if they were boxes of model. It would be easy to resell the on Ebay, Craigslist, Offer Up or any number of sites. But these were painted kits. And to be fair I call myself the Mediocre modeler for a reason. I don’t think they’re that great. They only me anything to me. But I’m sure this crackhead thought he hit the mother load. I’m sure he will find out very quickly how worthless the collection is.

Anyone who has had there stuff stolen knows the feeling. It sucks!! What’s really getting to me. I’m randomly thinking about my different models and then realize how many models are missing. There were a few gems that really hurt. One of which was my E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster. It was a featured article here on my blog. I built the blaster from a demilitarized British Sterling and it looked great.

All the work, the man hours the struggles,gone. The collection of resin movie weapons, gone. The Moebius Galactica and Pegasus, both gone. And it’s like a punch in the gut every time I realize what’s gone. And all you can do is be pissed off about it. 

On the flip side, there are so many pieces still in the collection, and good ones at that. I won’t try to replace everything that was lost. Maybe one or two things. I really like the Galactica and Pegasus kits. But hope that the police can do their thing and possibly return some of the pieces back to me.

In the meantime, if you see my stuff at a show, don’t buy it and call me.